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                Location:Home - News

                Common faults and treatment of pulse dust collector

                Views:2918 Author:Site Editor Publish Time:2018-09-29 09:02:57 Orgin:Site

                Pulse dust collector is the premise to ensure the production of enterprises

                In terms of industrial dust control, the discharge of dust and environmental protection facilities produced in the production process of the pulse bag filter meets the discharge standard, improves the air environment of workshop operation and prevents air pollution. In today's environment-friendly production capacity advocated by the state, enterprises that do not have dust removal equipment and directly discharge pollutants should not only be shut down immediately, but also be investigated for legal and economic responsibility. It can be seen that the effective operation of dust remover maintenance is an important prerequisite for the sustainable development of enterprises.

                Regular inspection

                Check the change of the running resistance of the equipment and make records to ensure the normal operation of the machine. The filter bag is a vulnerable part, and the operator shall regularly check the collection effect of the dust bag and replace it in time according to the degree of loss of the dust bag. Regularly check the working conditions of the gas system and ash discharge system, and handle immediately in case of any abnormality.

                Keep cleaning and unloading process

                When the dust remover is shut down, keep the dust remover and fan running at the same time for a period of time to remove the moisture and dust in the equipment that has not been completely filtered out. At the same time, before the dust remover stops working, it is necessary to carry out multiple dust cleaning and unloading processes, so as to improve the filtering efficiency and reduce the blocking fault.

